Musicline School Musicals
Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits Cover

Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits

by Craig Hawes

Pricing & Order Info.
Ideal Cast Size 44
Speaking Roles 41
Minimum Cast Size 29
Duration (minutes)60-80

Why choose this Musical?

Editable Word Doc Script available

41 speaking roles

Easily reduced to 29 speaking roles, see "Casting" tab below for full instructions.

Any number of chorus parts

CD of Backing Tracks plus essential sound effects available

No pianist required! This CD includes ALL Backing Tracks, Incidental Music and Special Effects in the order you need them enabling production and direction to take place without specialist musical expertise.

CD of Vocal Tracks available for learning the songs

Sing it! "Karaoke-Style" learning! Check out the video below...

TOP TIP: unmute the video to have a listen and a sing along!

Dance it! Choreograhy done for you! Check out the video below...

TOP TIP: unmute the video to have a watch and a boogie!

Full Performance Piano/Vocal Score available (Grade 6 Standard)

Encompasses Overture, ALL Play Ons and Play Offs, Songs, Link Music, Cues and Chord Symbols. Click "Performance Score" in the "Script & Songs" tab below.

Easy Play Rehearsal Piano/Vocal Score available (Grade 3/4 Standard)

Click "Easy Play Score" in the "Script & Songs" tab below.

Full Production Notes

Check out the "Production Notes" in the "Script Sample" below for full details of "Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits".

No problem props

See "Script & Songs" below for full listing.

Very easy to costume

Detailed in "Script & Songs" below.

Simple staging

Detailed in "Script & Songs" below.

Age range: 7 years +

Schools: Especially engaging for your Upper Juniors (9-11 years) - a Perfect Year 6 leavers' play.
Theatre Groups: Fantastic for your Juniors, but all parts can be played by any age!

Duration: 60 to 80 minutes

NEW! Instant Scenery with our digital backdrops
A different backdrop for EVERY scene change

Supplied in both a PowerPoint presentation and as individual JPG files.

School Play Backdrop
No more Scenery Painting!

Open sesame and discover a treasure-trove of fun and laughter as witty writer Craig Hawes gives the timeless tale a twist in this mystical musical comedy! So slip on your sandals for some sandy silliness as we take a thrilling carpet ride with Ali Baba and his crazy camel on an amazing Arabian adventure!

The ancient city of Old Baghdad is in chaos. Whilst the bustling bazaar is overrun with ruthless robbers, up in the palace Sultan Pepper's precious princess and Royal Ruby have vanished! To make matters worse, it seems the poor Sultan cannot trust his own Vizier, Mustapha Widdle, nor his mischievous monkey Booboo. So when Ali Baba discovers the hidden Cave Of Wonders, secret hideout of Balthazar Bongo and his bumbling bandits, it's down to him to save the day! But when his ravenous, tap-dancing camel Humphrey bites off more than he can chew and Ali is accused of royal robbery, his fate seems as sealed as the Cave Of Wonders itself! With the sands of time rapidly running out, will Ali escape the clutches of the evil Vizier? Will he find and free the imprisoned princess? And what's in store when Ali and Bongo finally meet... fez to fez? These mysteries and many more are revealed as we follow Ali across the dusty desert dunes to face forty filthy thieves, rescue a runaway princess, fly a magic carpet and release a genie from a bottle of ketchup!

This hysterical show is filled with mystical mayhem and a swag-bag of laughs to provide an Arabian night you'll never forget! With colourful characters, a side-splitting script, an enchanting score of show-stopping songs and a sprinkle of sparkle from a genius genie, this magical musical is everything you could wish for!

The curtain rises on the bustling bazaar of Old Baghdad, where we are greeted by mysterious trader and narrator, Alakazam. He sets the scene and begins to tell his tale as he introduces the rousing opening number, "Baghdad Bazaar". Three wealthy sheiks arrive with jewels as birthday gifts for Sultan Pepper and are introduced to the traders of the bazaar, but chaos ensues when bandits steal their precious gifts from under their wealthy noses. The palace guards announce the arrival of the Sultan's trusted Vizier, Mustapha Widdle, accompanied by his mischievous monkey, Booboo. The citizens voice their concerns about the ruthless robbers, but the self-important Vizier ignores their complaints. Instead he invites them to the Sultan's birthday banquet, then instructs chief guard Achoo to clear the streets in preparation for the arrival of Sultan Pepper himself. The Sultan enters, followed by his over-protected daughter, Princess Satsuma who, accompanied by her handmaidens, is visiting the bazaar to choose a gift for her father. Spotting a chance for some freedom, she secretly swaps places with a handmaiden to escape the over-bearing clutches of her royal father and explore the bazaar as she sings "For The Very First Time".

With the help of the traders, a rather convenient book and a false beard, she evades the gormless guards and sets off in search of the perfect present. We meet Flossy Baba, whose carpet business has seen better times, and she is soon joined by her son Ali and his crazy camel Humphrey. It soon becomes clear that Humphrey has an insatiable appetite and a tendency to eat everything he sees, with rather alarming results! Princess Satsuma arrives incognito and meets the unsuspecting Babas, thrilling Flossy with an order for a carpet as a gift for her father. The chorus enter and sing a reprise of "Baghdad Bazaar" bringing the scene to a joyful end.

Alakazam takes us across the dusty desert to the Back Of Beyond, where two comical criminals, Dusty and Sandy Sandals, are hoping to join the Bongo Bandits. They discover the Secret Cave Of Wonders, but when they ring the doorbell and there is no reply, they search for another way in. Balthazar Bongo and his bumbling bandits arrive with an assorted collection of booty from the bazaar, but when they utter the magical words "Open Sesame", the boulder rolls aside to reveal Dusty and Sandy grinning at them from within the cave. Following a comical interview, Dusty and Sandy join the bandits and Bongo reveals his plan to raid the royal palace as they sing "Bongo Bandits".

In the royal palace, whilst Sultan Pepper polishes his Royal Ruby, his Vizier, Mustapha Widdle, secretly plots to steal the ruby, release the Genie he believes it conceals and become the Sultan himself. Achoo and his guards inform the Sultan of the mayhem the Bongo Bandits are causing in the city and, fearing the worst, the Sultan instructs them to lock his ruby in the deepest vault. The sheiks arrive to offer their new birthday gifts, but their replacement presents leave Sultan Pepper disappointed and frustrated. Matters turn from bad to worse when the Sultan discovers his daughter has gone missing and the Royal Ruby has been stolen by the Bongo Bandits. In the ensuing confusion, the Vizier and his monkey are left alone with Balthazar Bongo, and we learn that the bandits are under the control of the evil Vizier himself.

Meanwhile at the Back Of Beyond, Ali Baba and Humphrey escort the Princess and her new carpet through the dusty desert dunes. Humphrey is not much help, but Ali and the Princess express their fondness for him and all sing "Humphrey". On hearing approaching voices and fearing they belong to palace guards, the Princess reveals her true identity to Ali and they quickly take cover and hide. Dusty and Sandy enter ahead of their gang and after a considerable confusion they manage to open the cave, stash their loot, close the cave and hurry away. Ali and the Princess reappear in shock, and open the cave themselves to discover the Sultan's treasure and the Royal Ruby. Whilst the Princess retrieves more loot, Ali throws the ruby to a hungry Humphrey who proceeds to swallow it whole! The palace guards arrive and, spotting Ali with a bag of royal treasure, promptly arrest him and drag him and his camel back to the palace. The bandits return to see the Princess bringing out more treasure from the cave. She unwittingly reveals that Ali has the ruby and Bongo punishes her by sealing her forever in the cave.

Back at the Bazaar, Dusty and Sandy hunt for Ali and the Royal Ruby, but on hearing that Ali has been arrested they assume the Vizier must have already retrieved the illusive gem. They unintentionally let slip their true role in the mischief and the vengeful mob of citizens and traders angrily chase them into the desert. Flossy arrives, distraught by her son's false accusation of royal robbery, but with the help of another convenient book and a bottle of ketchup she discovers she has become mistress to an all-powerful genie. The Genie Of The Ketchup introduces himself and tells his spectacular story, singing "Genius Genie". When the Vizier arrives and puts Ali on trial before the whole city, the Genie uses his magical powers to freeze the scene, allowing Ali to escape certain doom after a little fun at the Vizier's expense! In a flash, the Genie whisks Ali and Flossy to the Back Of Beyond where Ali utters the magical words and opens the Cave Of Wonders to prove his innocence, only to discover the imprisoned Princess who reveals the Vizier's evil plans. They realise they must return to the palace to warn the Sultan, recover the camel and Royal Ruby and stop the Vizier. With a sprinkle of magic the Genie turns the Princess's present into a flying carpet and they climb aboard and soar into the moonlight as all sing "Up, Up And Away!".

Meanwhile, the palace is in turmoil. The handmaidens comfort a sulking Sultan who is missing his precious daughter and ruby. Dusty and Sandy secretly meet the Vizier who explains his cunning plan and entrusts them with sleeping powder to knock out the guards and silver pieces to reward the bandits. Bongo enters with his bandits cleverly concealed within oil jars, giving them codewords to stay hidden or reveal themselves. They hide as the Genie, Princess, Flossy and Ali arrive, Flossy a little worse for wear following their carpet ride. Before leaving, their chatter contains codewords that cause comical confusion for the bottled-up bandits who don't know whether they're coming or going! When the guards spot the jars, Bongo quells their suspicion, informing them that he is a wealthy oil baron and that the jars are gifts for the Sultan. Following further codeword confusion, the guards accompany Bongo to the birthday banquet, leaving chief guard Achoo to keep watch. Dusty and Sandy enter and, true to form, get the plan mixed up, giving silver pieces to Achoo and sleeping powder to the bandits. When Bongo discovers their foolish error, his anger is curtailed by Ali, Flossy and the Princess who confront him fez to fez. The Genie demonstrates his awesome power, totally terrifying the tricky trio who run for their lives, our brave heroes hot on their heels!

At the birthday banquet, Sultan Pepper reluctantly reveals his problems to the gathered guests as Ali, the Princess and Flossy burst in to reveal the Vizier's evil plan. The Vizier calls in vain for Bongo and the bandits and the guards place him under arrest. When the Sultan's thoughts turn to his ruby, Humphrey arrives on cue in an unfortunate rush of wind, and Ali has the unfortunate task of retrieving the missing gem from a recently filled and steaming bucket. Seizing his opportunity, the Vizier grabs and rapidly rubs the Royal Ruby hoping to summon a genie, but Flossy quickly reveals the truth as she rubs her magical bottle and produces the Genie Of The Ketchup. The Vizier refuses to relinquish the Royal Ruby, but is deftly defeated by a quick-witted Ali with the aid of Booboo's golden gong. After a grateful Sultan rewards his daughter, Ali and Flossy for their heroic feat, a final verse from Alakazam and friends provides a poetic postscript to the tale and a rousing reprise of "Bongo Bandits" provides the show's energetic finale!

Suggested Cast List For 44 Actors

NB. In the following list, the number shows how many spoken lines each role has. An asterisk (*) before the character's name indicates that this character ALSO has solo or featured sung lines.

Character NameNumber of Lines
Grand Vizier74
Sultan Pepper65
*Princess Satsuma65
Flossy Baba64
*Ali Baba62
*Balthazar Bongo60
Dusty Sandals58
Sandy Sandals54
*Genie Of The Ketchup38
Chief Achoo30
Guard Apu13
Guard Aleik13
Guard Azit12
Guard Azha11
Sheik Aleg6
Sheik Yahand6
Sheik Yabuti6
Kindle The Bookseller6
Abdul The Snake Charmer5
Fatima The Fortune Teller3
Nando The Chicken Seller2
Taffeta The Cloth Seller2
Senna The Perfume Seller2
Clementine The Fruit Seller2

Non Speaking Roles:- Booboo The Monkey, Humphrey The Camel (Back), Humphrey The Camel (Front).

For maximum effect, the whole cast is intended to perform most of the songs and dances on stage as chorus, whether they are in the preceding drama or not. Of course this is at the discretion of the director and can depend on available space.

Suggested Cast List For 29 Actors (& 2 Adults!)

NB. In the following list, the number shows how many spoken lines each role has. An asterisk (*) before the character's name indicates that this character ALSO has solo or featured sung lines.

Character NameNumber of Lines
Grand Vizier74
Sultan Pepper65
*Princess Satsuma65
Flossy Baba64
*Ali Baba62
*Balthazar Bongo60
Dusty Sandals58
Sandy Sandals54
*Genie Of The Ketchup38
Chief Achoo30
Guard Apu
covers Guard Azha's lines
Guard Aleik13
Fatima The Fortune Teller
covers Baz and Jib's lines, and also covers Taffeta's line in Scene 5
Nando The Chicken Seller
covers Bosh and Jab's lines and also covers Senna's line in Scene 5
Guard Azit12
Abdul The Snake Charmer
covers Bish's lines and covers Clementine's line in Scene 5
Kindle The Bookseller
covers Gaz's lines
covers Figgy's lines
covers Tufti's lines
covers Gonk's lines
Sheik Aleg6
Sheik Yahand6
Sheik Yabuti6

Non Speaking Roles:- Booboo The Monkey.

Humphrey The Camel (Back and Front) to be played by two willing adults!

For maximum effect, the whole cast is intended to perform most of the songs and dances on stage as chorus, whether they are in the preceding drama or not. Of course this is at the discretion of the director and can depend on available space.

Note: With this cast reduction there will be occasions when a line or two may need to be reallocated, amended or deleted to compensate for the removal of characters such as Tufti and Gonk, Figgy, Azha, and the Citizens and Traders.

For example, in Scene 1, Alakazam's line regarding characters that have been deleted will need amending; in Scene 2, two roll call lines will need to be deleted; and in Scene 7, one of Achoo's lines will need amending.

Resource Image

Cover Artwork

Printable book cover artwork. Great for posters and programmes!
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Resource Image

Title Artwork

Great for creating your own customised artwork for your show!
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5 Star Rating

Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits

"Yet another Craig Hawes musical for our school and every one has been a real hit. Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits had the catchy songs, easy to learn script and ridiculous jokes that our school community loves each year. Always a thrill to stage a Musicline musical. "
Jane Lacey, Overport PS, Frankston, Australia

5 Star Rating

Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits

"This is insane! I played the goofy guard of Azit and had a blast! If I could I would give it more stars than only 5."
Lucas , Tudor Grange Primary Academy Hockley Heath, Solihull

5 Star Rating

Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits

"What a great show! The songs were absolutely brilliant and the script was really easy to edit. Lots of cheesy gags for the children and jokes for the adults too. Musicline made the whole process really easy and I have used them for other scripts since."
Kate Keith, Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls, Elstree

5 Star Rating

Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits

"We have just performed this with amazing reviews. Our cast of 90 pupils absolutely loved it and the humour was appealing to both young and old. Having directed many plays, I am hooked on Craig Hawes' musicals and look forward to seeing what the next musical will be. Each year they just get wittier and more appealing. "
Julie Meiklejohn, Cowan House Preparatory School, KZN, South Africa, Hilton

5 Star Rating

Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits

"Wow! The students absolutely loved performing this! The script is very witty, the songs are catchy... the audience were laughing and crying throughout... Highly recommend this show!"
Mrs V, Eastchurch Primary All Saints

5 Star Rating

Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits

"This show was an incredible experience for both cast and audience. The entire school loved show week and the cast deserved every standing ovation. I have never seen so many potential performers singing and dancing in the school yard after the 1st show. I recommend to any school or youth performing group. Fun script, so many catchy songs and great choreography""
Ian Bianchi, Performing Arts Teacher, New Silksworth Junior School , Sunderland

5 Star Rating

Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits

"I still have no idea how Craig Hawes has managed to come up with this, just like all his others it is an amazing play and I recommend it to anyone who wants a funny, enjoyable play."
Andrew, Eccles, Cupar, Fife

5 Star Rating

Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits

"Excellent, I loved it, especially when I got given the part of Guard Apu. Everyone who saw it was roaring with laughter. "
Paula , Sydenham girls , Sydenham

5 Star Rating

Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits

"Amazing play, the parents loved it when they came to watch, there was a part for everyone. The jokes were hilarious and were relatable to everyone! We all loved the play. I was in year 6 at the time, but we performed the play with the year 5's too! We were so pumped up when we found out that we were performing this play, we put the songs on and learnt the lyrics soooo quickly, it was unbelievable!"
Mia, Scunthorpe

5 Star Rating

Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits

"Yet another fantastic Craig Hawes musical. This is the fifth one we have produced and they just get better and better. The jokes appeal to all ages and the songs are so catchy. I don't think there is a better writer if school musicals around. I would recommend these musicals to everyone. The backing track cd and dance video help to make such a professional production. "
Tony Walker, Farnsfield St Michael's C of E Primary School ( VA), Newark

5 Star Rating

Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits

"I was so happy when I found out that We were going to perform it! I soon found out that I had got the part Izzi, a bandit which is defiantly worth trying to get. All of the songs were being sung and even teachers did a bit of singing from time to time! Some teachers performed with us. The crowd roared with laughter after the jokes were told every single time. We have also done many other performances by Craig Hawes. Our school has done performances like Greece so this is up with the greats. I don't know how he does it but we are glad he does ( I think he is a genius genie)."
George, St Mary's CE, Amersham

5 Star Rating

Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits

"This is the best production I have ever heard of! This is what we are doing for our leavers production and I am Alakazam. I like the way he's not just a boring old narrator. He's got his own solo. And also he gets to be IN the story as well as narrating it. "
Nana, All Saints Benhilton, Sutton

5 Star Rating

Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits

"THIS PRODUCTION IS AMAZING!!!!! This production brings a smile to each and every ace out there. It has some really catchy songs. So this musical with bring you joy and happiness. By Megan A student From Oakfield Primary School "
Megan, Oakfield

5 Star Rating

Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits

"I was thrilled when I found out we were doing this play for my school year 6 production and soon found out that I had got the princess' solo and was also very happy, so I'd like to thank you for your hard work that has been put into this play. Thankyou so much! From Yasmin"
Yasmin , ..., Buckinghamshire

5 Star Rating

Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits

"An amazing and hilarious production! Year 6 children were singing it all the time in the playgrounds! I definitely recommend it to other schools (I think it's the best production we have ever done! ) Wendy x"
Wendy, Cooffley , London

5 Star Rating

Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits

"We couldn't have wished for a funnier script or more magical songs, Craig Hawes must be a Genie-us! We don't know how he does it, but we're so glad he does!"
Paula Blythe, Head Teacher, Gateford Park Primary School

5 Star Rating

Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits

"This spectacular musical has brought the entire school together like never before. The playground is full of children reciting the very funny script, or dancing to the catchy songs they're still singing at the top of their voice! I even find myself singing along when I am alone in the office!"
Jeanette Dunn, Head Teacher, St. Luke's Primary School, Shireoaks

5 Star Rating

Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits

"The hilarious script and toe-tapping tunes had the entire audience on their feet cheering for our Year 6 cast who were buzzing with absolute confidence and pride. From beginning to end, a simply superb show!"
David White, Head Teacher, St. John's Primary School, Worksop

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Script (Non-editable PDF) US$14.00
Script (Editable Word Doc) US$17.00
PDF & Word Doc Scripts US$21.00
PDF Performance Piano Score (Grade 6 Standard) US$17.00
PDF Easy Play Piano Score (Grade 3/4 Standard) US$14.00
MP3 Backing Tracks US$14.00
MP3 Vocal Tracks US$14.00
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Dance it! Choreography Video DownloadWhat's this? US$14.00
Project it! (PowerPoint and JPGs)What's this? US$21.00


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Script US$20.00
Pack of 5 Scripts US$65.00
Pack of 10 Scripts US$100.00
Performance Piano Score (Grade 6 Standard) US$27.00
Easy Play Piano Score (Grade 3/4 Standard) US$22.00
CD of Backing Tracks US$18.00
CD of Vocal Tracks US$18.00
Sing it! CD-ROM (PC & MAC)What's this? US$21.00
Dance it! Choreography DVDWhat's this? US$21.00
Project it! CD-ROMWhat's this? US$27.00

  Performing Licence: valid for 12 months from date of issue for THIS musical only

The Musicline Performing Licence covers you to perform this musical.

It is illegal to perform ANY published musical without the appropriate licence which is only available from the publisher of that musical.

'Blanket' licences which you may have DO NOT cover the performing of published musicals.

A performing licence is required for EACH PERFORMANCE.

For more information about Licencing, please click here

Size of your School Size Price per Performance Price Number of Performances Number
200+ Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$43.00
150-199 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$35.00
100-149 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$28.00
50-99 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$21.00
0-49 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$14.00
Theatre Group (any size) US$71.00

  Copying Licence: valid for 12 months from date of issue for THIS musical only

The Musicline Copying Licence covers you to copy ALL of any of the items you buy for this show either posted or downloaded.

This Licence is only available from the publisher of the copyright material.

It is illegal to reproduce or share ANY published material without the appropriate licence.

For more information about Licencing, please click here

Size of your School Size Price of Licence Price Qty Qty
200+ Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$43.00
150-199 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$35.00
100-149 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$28.00
50-99 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$21.00
0-49 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$14.00
Theatre Group (any size) US$71.00

  Video Licence: valid for 12 months from date of issue for THIS musical only

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For more information about Licencing, please click here

Size of your School Size Price of Licence Price Qty Qty
200+ Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$43.00
150-199 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$35.00
100-149 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$28.00
50-99 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$21.00
0-49 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$14.00
Theatre Group (any size) US$71.00