Click HERE to read the Script, look at the Score and listen to the Songs
Creepy Crawly Christmas (Nativity)
by Craig Hawes
Pricing & Order Info.
Why choose this Musical?
36 speaking roles
This can be reduced to 22 speaking roles. See "Casting" tab below.
Flexible Cast size to suit YOUR group numbers, from 28 actors upwards. See "Casting" tab below.
Unlimited chorus parts
Plus a Nativity Scene for the younger children.
Easy to stage
Flexible staging with simple scenery - adaptable.
CDs of Backing Tracks & Vocal Tracks available
Both these CDs include Overture, ALL Songs, Special Effects, Play Ons and Play Offs in the order you need them enabling production and direction to take place without specialist musical expertise.
Full Performance Piano/Vocal Score available (Grade 5 / 6 Standard)
Encompasses Overture, Songs, Link Music, Cues and Chord Symbols. Click "Performance Score" in the "Script & Songs" tab below.
Easy Play Rehearsal Piano/Vocal Score available (Grade 2 / 3 Standard)
Click "Easy Play Score" in the "Script & Songs" tab below.
Easily constructed and manageable props
Age range - Key Stage 2 Production (7-11 years)
With optional added Key Stage One parts
*** NEW *** Hear it. Copy it. Learn it!

"Learn it!" is an "Audio Book" style read-through of the entire show performed by professional voice actors. It teaches each child their lines, when to perform them and most importantly, HOW to perform them. The copy and repeat method is simply the best and quickest way to learn. An essential product for SEND cast members. The "Learn it!" product is available as downloadable MP3 files or as a standard Audio CD. Have a listen to a sample of the "Learn it!" product on the "Samples" tab below.
If you'd like a more in depth explaination about "Learn it!", check out this explainer video.
Sing it! "Karaoke-Style" learning! Check out the video below...
TOP TIP: unmute the video to have a listen and a sing along!
NEW! Instant Scenery with our digital backdrops
A different backdrop for EVERY scene change
Supplied in both a PowerPoint presentation and as individual JPG files.

No more Scenery Painting!
From the writer of "Zoom!" and "The Magical Christmas Box" comes a brand new Christmas musical for Primary Schools. "Creepy Crawly Christmas" is a delightfully different look at the Nativity - through the eyes of a caterpillar! Wilfred is the slowest, silliest caterpillar in the school, and the butt of his classmates' jokes. So when a star falls from the sky and lands on him, he decides to prove himself by discovering what this mystery object is and return it to where it came from. Of course, this is no ordinary star and Wilfred's quest becomes more important than he ever imagined! Will he succeed? Will he earn his wings and become a butterfly? We follow his journey as he meets a host of crazy creatures and learns about the true meaning of Christmas. This colourful, magical tale is bursting with bugs, including dotty old ladybirds, an army of ants, a squadron of RAF dragonflies, a hairy scary spider and four rather familiar Liverpudlian beetles!
The festive fun is brought to life with 8 superb songs that will have everyone singing along and a humorous script which hides a twist at the end. Flexible casting allows parts for a small class or an entire school and beautifully arranged backing tracks are available on CD. A CD of vocal tracks is also available which can be used for rehearsals and performances.
A superb DVD of Creepy Crawly Christmas is now available.
This imaginative Christmas play follows Wilfred the caterpillar on a journey as he attempts to earn his wings to become a butterfly.
An upbeat song opens the show 'Its Christmas Again' and this is followed by a classroom setting where Madame Butterfly is taking a register; the names are witty with "Anne Tenor" being a prime example. Unfortunately, Wilfred was not blessed with a clever name, nor the intelligence to go with it and the other caterpillars do not hesitate to remind him of it, but despite this, they all join in to sing 'Wilfred Our Mate.' Unfortunately, Wilfred feels he will never earn his wings and decides to run away, free from the teasing and mocking. But Wilfred has no idea what he has let himself in for, when a star suddenly falls from the sky and he makes the decision to prove himself worthy and return it.
Soldier Ants march onto stage and offer their opinions on the "Unidentified Falling Object" in the song 'What Is It?'.
Unable to help, the ants march Wilfred to the ladybirds who, although able put a name to the UFO, are not able to identify which part of the sky it came from. With barely a moment to rest, Wilfred is sent crawling to the crickets.
In a slightly different twist to the traditional nativity story, it was the crickets that saw the star appear in the sky and hence tell Wilfred to follow the stars that will lead him to a manger. 'Starlight' follows as Wilfred gazes up to the sky for guidance.
Unfortunately, Wilfred reaches a large obstacle soon after, but in an entertaining interaction between the caterpillar and Italian-fleas they are able to jump over the fallen tree. However, Wilfred is barely able to catch a breath as Soloman the Spider presents the young caterpillar with a tangled mess! Luckily, Wilfreds journey does not end here as he is relieved to find Solomans taste buds prefer flies. 'Webtastic' follows with some extremely clever lyrics.
Allowed to leave by Soloman, Wilfred then finds himself under the wings of Queen Bee who is preparing for a party with her royal subjects. As Wilfred hastily drinks a jar of nectar, there are surprise musical guests - the Beetles! Although not one of their signature tunes, 'Creepy Crawly Christmas Time' is sung.
Suddenly, everything becomes quiet and Wilfred finds himself alone again, but luckily is joined by the dragonflies who have been sent to rescue him. After introducing themselves during 'The Dragonfly Brigade' Wilfred, with a helping hand from a dragonfly, manages to place the star back in the sky. Madame Butterfly appears beside Wilfred and explains to him the importance of what he has done. 'King of Creation' follows, and in case you were in any doubt, Wilfred succeeded in earning his wings. 'Creepy Crawly Christmas Time (reprise)' is the perfect, lively song to end on.
Suggested Cast List For 51 Actors
N.B. In the following list, the number shows how many spoken lines each role has. An asterisk (*) before the character's name indicates that this character ALSO has solo or featured sung lines.
Character Name | Number of Lines |
* Wilfred | 85 |
Butterfly | 32 |
* Solomon Bungee | 28 |
Oscar | 18 |
Sarge | 18 |
Queenie | 13 |
Victor | 10 |
Charlie | 9 |
Mike | 9 |
Buzz | 8 |
Hobbs | 8 |
Flip | 7 |
Flo | 7 |
Fuzz | 7 |
Mr Smith | 7 |
Scarlet | 7 |
Botham | 6 |
Dotty | 6 |
Millie Pede | 6 |
Ruby | 6 |
Sobers | 6 |
Sting | 6 |
Bradman | 5 |
Chris Illiss | 5 |
Curly Feelers | 5 |
Garibaldi | 5 |
Hoppo | 5 |
Scratchetti | 5 |
Adam | 3 |
Anne Tenor | 3 |
Brilly | 3 |
Buoy | 3 |
George | 3 |
John | 3 |
Paul | 3 |
Ringo | 3 |
Non speaking roles (Scene 8): Mary, Joseph, Innkeeper, Three Angels, Three Pages, Three Kings, and Three Shepherds.
Suggested Cast List For 28 Actors (+ 1 Adult)
(Please see Production Notes in script for slightly different reduction)
N.B. In the following list, the number shows how many spoken lines each role has. An asterisk (*) before the character's name indicates that this character ALSO has solo or featured sung lines.
Character Name | Number of Lines |
* Wilfred | 85 |
Butterfly | 32 |
* Solomon Bungee | 28 |
Oscar | 18 |
Sarge | 18 |
Flip - also plays Mike | 16 |
Hoppo - also plays Victor | 15 |
Garibaldi - also plays Charlie | 14 |
Queenie | 13 |
Curly Feelers - also plays Hobbs | 13 |
Millie Pede - also plays Sobers | 12 |
Chris Illiss - also plays Botham | 11 |
Brilly - also plays Buzz | 11 |
Buoy - also plays Fuzz | 10 |
Flo - also plays Ringo | 10 |
Scarlet - also plays George | 10 |
Dotty - also plays John | 9 |
Ruby - also plays Paul | 9 |
Adam - also plays Sting | 9 |
Anne Tenor - also plays Bradman | 8 |
Mr Smith - played by an adult | 7 |
Scratchetti | 5 |
Non speaking roles (Scene 8): Mary, Joseph, One Angel, Three Kings, One Shepherd. (Innkeeper and Pages removed)
Creepy Crawly Christmas (Nativity)
"It was amazing. i played a role in the nativity as an angel. Christmas Again and King of Creation are my songs. i love all the songs. "Priscilla, New Testament Baptist Church School, East Hartford.
Creepy Crawly Christmas (Nativity)
"I played Madam Butterfly and adored it! Funny, sweet and memorable. A play to remember and a must see. Recommended with enthusiasm! "Sophie, Cast member, Newton Longville School
Creepy Crawly Christmas (Nativity)
"I loved it i could not believe it "Bradley, Monkray School
Creepy Crawly Christmas (Nativity)
"I was a ladybird/dotty it was an amazing show to perform loved every muinet of it x"Tonie,Lucy., Hollybush primary school, Leeds bramley
Creepy Crawly Christmas (Nativity)
"This was a fantastic brillliant massive good production it was the best we ever done. "Sophie Truscott , St Dennis c.p school
Creepy Crawly Christmas (Nativity)
"i was a flea in the conset "Ffaldau primary
Creepy Crawly Christmas (Nativity)
"Amazing "Joshua, Harstanes primary school
Creepy Crawly Christmas (Nativity)
"I love webtastic an starlit an wilfred are mate "Max, Croft primary, Croft
Creepy Crawly Christmas (Nativity)
"this play's great, i love the dragonfly song! im a dragonfly! "Pinkpenguin, St Dennis school, St Austell
Creepy Crawly Christmas (Nativity)
"it is a brilliant fantastic script and play to actout and watch jit brought laughtter and happiness to the adutince thanks"Sophie Truscott, St Dennis c.p school
Creepy Crawly Christmas (Nativity)
"I was wilfred and i loved it so did the school. "Coco, Runnwell Community Primary School, Wickford
Creepy Crawly Christmas (Nativity)
"We performed this last year with our Year 1,2 and 3 children - a huge cast of 70 plus performers! It was superb... the characters were wonderful, there was great scope for fantastic costumes and scenery and the children absolutely LOVED performing it for their mums and dads! "Class Teacher, Keyingham Primary School, Hull
Creepy Crawly Christmas (Nativity)
"Script is amusing with lots of food for thought. Most of our 60 year 3's had speaking parts. They found the script and song words fun and easy to learn. A fantastic show for which we received AMAZING reviews! "Lyall Wade - Key Stage 2 Teacher.
Creepy Crawly Christmas (Nativity)
"We LOVE doing this performance!! We are performing it in about 2 weeks time. I am Wilfred and am really looking forward to it!! Hope all goes well!! x x x "Burnham Upper School, Buckinghamshire.
Creepy Crawly Christmas (Nativity)
"I left Primary school 2 yrs ago. I performed Creepy Crawly Christmas in my last year. I was Wilfred the main character. I loved the show! "Richard Cobb - Cast Member.