Musicline School Musicals
Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies Cover

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

by Craig Hawes

Pricing & Order Info.
Ideal Cast Size 43
Speaking Roles 43
Minimum Cast Size 22
Duration (minutes)60-80

Why choose this Musical?

Links with "Myths & Legends" curriculum topics

Editable Word Doc Script available

43 speaking roles

Easily reduced to 22 speaking roles, see "Casting" tab below for full instructions.

Duration: 60 to 80 minutes

CD of Backing Tracks plus essential sound effects available

No pianist required! This CD includes ALL Backing Tracks, Incidental Music and Special Effects in the order you need them enabling production and direction to take place without specialist musical expertise.

CD of Vocal Tracks available for learning the songs

Sing it! "Karaoke-Style" learning! Check out the video below...

TOP TIP: unmute the video to have a listen and a sing along!

Dance it! Choreograhy done for you! Check out the video below...

TOP TIP: unmute the video to have a watch and a boogie!

Full Performance Piano/Vocal Score available (Grade 6 Standard)

Encompasses Overture, ALL Play Ons and Play Offs, Songs, Link Music, Cues and Chord Symbols. Click "Performance Score" in the "Script & Songs" tab below.

Easy Play Rehearsal Piano/Vocal Score available (Grade 4 Standard)

Click "Easy Play Score" in the "Script & Songs" tab below.

Full Production Notes

Check out the "Production Notes" in the "Script Sample" below for full details of "Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies".

No problem props

See "Script & Songs" below for full listing.

Any number of chorus parts

Very easy to costume

Detailed in "Script & Songs" below.

Simple staging

Detailed in "Script & Songs" below.

Age range: 7 years +

Schools: Especially engaging for your Upper Juniors (9-11 years) - a Perfect Year 6 leavers' play.
Theatre Groups: Fantastic for your Juniors, but all parts can be played by any age!

NEW! Instant Scenery with our digital backdrops
A different backdrop for EVERY scene change

Supplied in both a PowerPoint presentation and as individual JPG files.

School Play Backdrop
No more Scenery Painting!

Journey into the depths of Sherwood Forest and discover the hilarious truth behind the legend of Robin Hood in this great musical comedy!

From the writer of Pirates Of The Curry Bean and Porridge comes a toe-tickling tale of tights, fights and footlights. And living and writing in the heart of Sherwood Forest himself, who better than best-selling author Craig Hawes to lift the lid on the legend you thought you knew!

When the evil Sheriff of Nottingham and his gormless guards threaten the villagers of Sherwood, feisty Maid Marion hires a band of freedom fighters for protection. But when Robin and his Merry Men arrive, she soon discovers they're not exactly what she'd ordered! With no time to lose, she persuades these hapless heroes to take centre stage for the performance of their lives - if only they could stick to the script!

Follow the most outrageous outlaws in history on their side-splitting, action-packed adventure to defeat the dastardly Sheriff, storm Nottingham Castle, rescue Maid Marion and overthrow King John - all without laddering their tights!

This hysterical show is a riotous romp through the medieval mayhem of Merry England, splattered with shocks and surprises, crazy characters and comic capers. With a score full of catchy, show-stopping songs and a wonderfully witty script as sharp as an arrow, this musical comedy is on target to send you all a-quiver!

The curtain rises on our poetic playwright and narrator Billy Wigglestick, who sets the scene, introduces Maid Marion and cues the energetic opening number, "Sherwood Forest". We meet the villagers of Sherwood, including Marion's over-protective guardian Nursie and her short-sighted nephew Will Scarlet. Through some humorous banter we discover the villagers' dislike for King John and the Sheriff of Nottingham, and Marion urges her neighbours to help her stand up to them. The Sheriff arrives, flanked by his gang of gormless guards, and proclaims that all taxes are doubled. Despite the villagers' complaints, Marion's insults and Nursie's "charm", the Sheriff cannot be dissuaded and demands his money by noon before sweeping off, followed by his men. Unable to pay, the villagers sadly prepare to move out. Nursie and Will discover an advert in the local newspaper for The Merry Men - a team of highly trained professionals - and Marion decides to send an urgent letter to hire them immediately. Nursie calls her troupe of young scouts (known as the Skunks) to help track down the heroes and deliver the letter, which they happily agree to do and all sing "Helping Hand".

The action moves to Robin's camp, where we discover the Merry Men in an energetic fight scene. However, it soon becomes apparent that they are actually rehearsing for their latest show, for they are not soldiers but a troupe of wandering entertainers! Robin, the over-acting actor, Big and Little John the comedy ventriloquist act, Friar Tuck the mysterious magician, Much Muscles the hairy strongman, Alan A Dale the eloquent musician and the ever shimmying Dancing Dave of Doncaster. We learn that their bookings have dried up, so they are delighted when the Skunk Scouts arrive with Marion's letter explaining that she has some visitors coming at noon and needs the help of the Merry Men to give them "a welcome they'll never forget". Excited at the prospect of performing in front of a live audience once again, they sing their show-stopping signature song "Men In Tights".

Our barmy bard Billy Wigglestick returns to introduce us to Nottingham Castle and the evil King John who is sat on his throne, petulant and depressed at his poor popularity rating in the press. In an effort to lighten his mood, the Sheriff summons the overly cheerful dungeon master Gavin and his strange assistant Genghis. They bring two prisoners, ridiculous robbers Grabbit and Bolt, and begin to torture them with ticklish feather dusters to amuse their sad sovereign. Their torture is short lived, however, as their comical flattery of King John persuades him to release them and make them the Sheriff's new henchmen. A reluctant Sheriff agrees and together they set off for Sherwood.

Back in Sherwood, the Merry Men receive an enthusiastic welcome from the excited villagers. They are further impressed with their so-called 'heroes' when Robin declares that The Merry Men will slay their visitors in the aisles and knock them dead. Will Scarlet displays his dubious archery skills and his comically rebounding arrow eventually hits its target of a rubber chicken, much to the delight of the Merry Men who invite him to join their troupe. When Marion takes a closer look at Robin's business card, however, she finally discovers the terrifying truth about her new friends - just as the Sheriff arrives with his guards and henchmen. Robin introduces himself to the Sheriff and when his Merry Men suddenly appear, the surprised guards scatter in terror, swiftly followed by Grabbit and Bolt. The Sheriff attempts to escape but is stopped by Robin as Will enters with another display of his short-sighted archery. As the Sheriff cowers behind the villagers, Will's wayward weapon accidentally finds a new target and a dazed Sheriff emerges with the arrow stuck right through his head. He exits screaming, to the delight of the villagers and the disappointment of Robin and his gang. When Marion reveals the truth behind her mistake, everyone is shocked - not least the Merry Men, who realise that they have inadvertently become outlaws. However, Marion concludes that fooling the Sheriff is the way to win, and persuades Robin and the Merry Men to take on a new acting role - to become 'The Sherwood Hoodies', fighting for freedom, robbing from the rich and giving to the poor, led by their heroic leader Robin Hood. Instantly flattered, Robin agrees and all sing the rousing anthem "He Will Be A Hero".

We return to Nottingham Castle where Gavin and Genghis inform King John of their new torture equipment, 'The Squisher', which rolls out prisoners until they are completely flat. When the terrified henchmen, guards and Sheriff return, King John is furious to learn of the gang of Hoodies who now protect the Sherwood villagers and he instructs the Sheriff to deal with these outlaws. The Sheriff tells Grabbit and Bolt to return to Sherwood as secret spies, capture Robin and "take him out".

Meanwhile in the forest, Marion is directing her performers in their new roles as 'Sherwood Hoodies', robbing from the rich. They are hopeless heroes, however, and each attempted robbery collapses comically into chaos. The Sheriff has a secret meeting with Grabbit and Bolt and lends them his kidnapping kit in order to capture Robin, warning them that the outlaw may be in disguise. They spy Marion muttering to herself and believe her to be Robin in a devious disguise. Despite their incompetence, they eventually manage to kidnap Marion and take her back to Nottingham Castle. When the Skunks discover Marion's fate by cleverly deciphering the tracks on the ground, Robin declares that they must work together to rescue Marion and all sing "If We All Work Together".

Back at Nottingham Castle, Grabbit and Bolt reveal their mistaken kidnap victim to King John and the Sheriff realises that, with Marion as bait, Robin will soon walk into his trap. As they leave to prepare, Robin and his rescue party arrive and split up to find Marion. After some comical creeping, however, our heroes are caught and dragged to the dungeon, where Gavin and Genghis are delighted to have new guests to torture in their Squisher. Robin and the Merry Men raise spirits with the uplifting song "Singing All Over The World" and, moved to tears, Grabbit, Bolt, Gavin and Genghis decide to release the prisoners. At that moment, the Sheriff enters to halt the escape - only to be knocked out by a quick-acting Will. The Sheriff stumbles into the Squisher and re-emerges as flat as a proverbial pancake. Relief is short-lived, however, as King John and his guards appear and threaten to execute Robin. Thankfully, before the axe can fall, Will enters for his final feat of anarchic archery and this time his arrow results in a painful surprise for King John - and quite a different surprise for everyone else! To seal King John's fate, King Richard makes a triumphant return to reclaim his throne, punishing the wrong-doers, honouring the Hoodies and awarding Robin with the accolade of his dreams - an Oswald statuette for Best Actor. A final poetic verse from Billy Wigglestick brings the story to a happy conclusion and a reprise of "Men In Tights" provides the show's spectacular finale!

Suggested Cast List For 43 Actors

NB. In the following list, the number shows how many spoken lines each role has. An asterisk (*) before the character's name indicates that this character ALSO has solo or featured sung lines.

Character NameNumber of Lines
*Robin Hood97
Sheriff of Nottingham97
King John86
*Maid Marion85
Nursie Gerty Gusset70
Billy Wigglestick55
Will Scarlet44
Big John/Little John35
Gavin Gutwrencher29
Dancing Dave24
Alan A-Dale20
Friar Tuck19
Much Muscles15
King Richard12
Gladys of Gisbourne5
Nigel the Norman4
Norbert the Norman4
Nesbit the Norman4
Guy of Gisbourne4
Bodkin of Budbury4
Inkhorn of Idle4
Napsack of Normanton4
Skunk Lopper4
Norton the Norman3
Newt the Norman3
Kettlehat of Kirklington3
Jugmuffin of Jacksdale3
Pokewhistle of Pleasley3
Scragbucket of Southwell3
Manglebutt of Mansfield3
Skunk Lumpy3
Skunk Logger3
Skunk Stumpy3
Skunk Sprout3
Skunk Cropper3
Beautiful Betsy2
Bubbly Bertha2
Beaudacious Babs2
Skunk Pulpy2
Skunk Prune1


A cast member could perform the voice over in Track 9 (Scene 2), or this could be provided by the recording on the CD.

In "Singing All Over The World" (Scene 8), the opening solo (given to Robin in the script) may, in fact, be allocated to anyone within the scene, speaking or non-speaking.

The whole cast could perform all songs and dances on stage as Chorus, whether they are in the preceding drama or not. Of course this is at the discretion of the director and will depend on available space.

Suggested Cast List For 22 Actors (& 1 Adult!)

NB. In the following list, the number shows how many spoken lines each role has. An asterisk (*) before the character's name indicates that this character ALSO has solo or featured sung lines.

Character NameNumber of Lines
*Robin Hood97
Sheriff of Nottingham97
King John86
*Maid Marion85
Nursie Gerty Gusset70
Billy Wigglestick55
Will Scarlet44
Big John/Little John35
Gavin Gutwrencher29
Dancing Dave24
Inkhorn of Idle
covers Napsack, Scragbucket, Manglebutt, Betsy & Bab's lines, and also plays Guy of Gisbourne
Bodkin of Budbury
covers Kettlehat, Jugmuffin, Pokewhistle & Bertha's lines, and also plays Gladys of Gisbourne
Alan A-Dale20
Friar Tuck19
Much Muscles15
King Richard
played by a willing adult!
Skunk Lumpy
covers Skunks Stumpy, Lopper & Prune's lines
Skunk Logger
covers Skunks Sprout, Cropper & Pulpy's lines
Nigel the Norman
covers Nesbit and Newt's lines
Norbert the Norman
covers Norton's lines


With this cast reduction one line in Scene Four will need to be amended to compensate for the removal of the character Beaudacious Babs.

A cast member could perform the voice over in Track 9 (Scene 2), or this could be provided by the recording on the CD.

In "Singing All Over The World" (Scene 8), the opening solo (given to Robin in the script) may, in fact, be allocated to anyone within the scene, speaking or non-speaking.

The whole cast could perform all songs and dances on stage as Chorus, whether they are in the preceding drama or not. Of course this is at the discretion of the director and will depend on available space.

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Title Logo

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Cover Artwork

Printable book cover artwork. Great for posters and programmes!
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5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"As a teacher with no experience in theater productions, I was blown away by the performance of "Robin and The Sherwood Hoodies" put on by our school. The show featured easy-to-follow dialogue, catchy songs that had everyone tapping their feet, and every detail was given careful attention. The students involved in the production truly shined, bringing the characters to life with their energy and enthusiasm. The story was engaging and kept both students and teachers entertained throughout the entire performance. Overall, "Robin and The Sherwood Hoodies" was a great show that not only showcased the talent of our students but also highlighted the hard work and dedication that went into putting on such a fantastic production. I would highly recommend this show to anyone looking for a fun and entertaining performance to enjoy!"
Phil Howell, John Moore Primary, Tewkesbury, Gloucester

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"We also did the Musical ourselves, but in Dutch. I thought it was super cool, but because of the coronavirus it could not continue. That was very unfortunate because we were already working on it before 2020 ... (I can't write good English so sorry for mistakes) "
Vic, GBS De Vlieger Kasterlee (belgium), Kasterlee

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"A Perfect recipe for a successful production: Start with simple set changes, add beautiful songs and a hilarious script, stir in plenty of jokes for older folks, mix together a few fart scenes and King John's bare bottom and you've captured the hearts of young audience members. This is by far my favorite Craig Hawes musical!! "
M. O'Neill Delano, Nelson Rural School, Miramichi NB Canada

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"If you are looking for a funny musical then look no further. We had non-parent adults saying this was the best musical they had ever seen - at any age. Hilarious for everyone involved and the songs are a joy. MusicLine has everything needed for a successful show for a first-time director and the script gives plenty of room for veterans of the craft. Can easily work with 3rd grade (American schools) and higher actors. The only bad thing about doing this show is lowering audience expectations the following year. Thank you, Craig!"
Johnmichael Monteith, New Globe Theatre Co. / A.G. Bell Elementary, Kirkland, WA USA

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"Great Play- Funny jokes and catchy songs. I would recommend this to any teacher with an enthusiastic class. From the villagers Robin Hood, this play will bring laughter to all audiences. Brilliant! "
Maverick Kozako, Elzado Primary school, Elzado

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"We have had a fabulous few days performing this wonderful script! The humour is great, and the songs very catchy and easy to learn. Would thoroughly recommend."
Sarah Young, KATS, Colchester

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"We have just done this as a whole school musical and it was amazing! The children loved it, the parents loved it, even teachers were laughing at the jokes! I would certainly recommend this to anyone looking for a fun musical!!"
Helen Thornton, Wylye Valley, Codford

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"I've been putting on musicals with my year sixes for 10 years now and this is probably my all time favourite. Rehearsals never got boring and were always full of laughter. Jokes were close to the knuckle which the children really enjoyed delivering and hammed up their delivery to perfection - they had the audience laughing through both shock and laughter. The children blew the audience away with their singing because they just loved the songs (particularly 'He Will Be a Hero'). Loved it!"
Miss Eddie, Little Sutton CofE Primary, Ellesmere Port

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"This was the best production I have ever seen in 14 years as a T.A .The songs were uplifting ,the script hilarious.The audience were roaring with laughter.The children were amazing and it certainly brought the best out of them.The quality of singing and dancing was superb. All were able to take part and a few could make a future career in the business! Great buy it for your school."
Dawn Mackie, Goosewell primary, Plymouth

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"I have just finished two shows and I can truly say the children were amazing! It was funny, lively, really brought out the children's talent and most of all the children loved taking part. The songs were really catchy and both the staff and the children have got them going 'round and around' in their head. The jokes were cheesy but just the right amount and the audience loved it!! Thank you - keep writing!"
Yvonne Kelman, Harestanes Primary, Glasgow

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"Absolutely Brilliant!!- The best production I have done with the children, by far. Parents reactions where fantastic. Grabit and Bolt with such dry slap stick humor. Maid Marion in charge - go go Marion!! Rehearsals were a dream with the catchy songs, the humor and all the assistance from "Sing it!" and "Dance it!" Please keep writing - thanks Craig and team for all your efforts."
Adrian Lee KS 2 Teacher, Eastcombe Primary School, Gloucestershire

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"This play is just amazing! I have loved it all the way through! I love the comedy of RobinHood and the Sherwood Hoodies. I play Maid Marion, and quite enjoy it. My favourite scene is every single one! I honestly can't choose! "
Alyssa, Ellen Stirling Primary School, Perth, WA, Ellenbrook.

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"This is a great performance, it is so good my favourite song in it is Singing all over the world. "
Miss Williams, Theydon Bois Primary School , Essex, Theydon Bois

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"Just Amazing!!!"
Jack, Arksey primary school, Doncaster

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"This show is great. I have loved it I am going to perform it soon.I love the song helping hand and Sherwood forest. My teacher Mrs Allen and Mr Harper love it and so do my class mates particularity Emma she loves it she told me she has been practiced a lot. every one loves it has a part for every one I think it is brilliant. "
sophie gaw, fullerton house, Lisburn

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"Just performed February 2015. Great show. Parts for everyone to shine, even if only a few lines they have a character. Songs are brilliant and not too samey as others. Have now performed all but zoom and splash. This was our favourite. But they have all been fantastic for the junior age group and keeping everyone happy. All the notes, line counts are spot on. Thanks Craig and please write more. How about doing some for infants rec - y1 35 min plays as not much out there!"
Sally Hunt, PYPS, Wilmslow

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"Hello my name is Dylan and I was taking part in your play, and my role in the play was one of the two stupid spies; Grabbit and Bolt. I was the stupidest, I was Bolt. Hello my name is Jenna and I'm Dylan's partner writing this review. I was a villager in your play which is Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies. I rated this fabulous, hilarious and entertaining play 5 stars because it was written by a matching amount of quality because it was established and published by an talented writer which made the play way much better. Also when we preformed this spectacular play we made some parents cry with our singing. My favourite song is (Merry Men In Tights) because we came up with some actions with the song as well, which even made it more fun, but all together the spectacular play is the one of the best I've ever done. My, favourite scene is scene 5 because me and my partner in the play which is Grabbit, and the Sheriff of Nottingham plan to capture Robin Hood, but we made a mistake and because Marion was talking about Robin Hood we thought that she was Robin.My favourite scene (Jenna) is 7 because Nursie runs then she makes farting noises and everyone laughed. My favourite character was Nursie because she was really good at the acting that she had to do to stay in role as Nursie, also some of her jokes were quite hysterical, and I busted out laughing. Please write more plays just like this."
Dylan and Jenna, Llanharan Primary School, Llanharan

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"I was Nesbit Norman and I was Nigel Norman. I thought that the script and the jokes were excellent. Our favourite song was 'Men in tights' because it was a fun song to dance to. Our favourite scene was scene eight because everyone is together and it is adventurous. Our favourite characters were Grabbit and Bolt because they are crazy and stupid characters. We thought the play was AMAZING!!! We absolutely loved having a role in it the play. We are so glad we had this Christmas concert - this is the best Christmas concert that KS2 had ever done. We hope you write more crazy concerts. We liked the part when Nursey farted. I liked the part when the Sheriff fell into the squisher and also when Bolt said "yes we're a pair of knickers". Thank you for writing the script and the play we enjoyed it very much. "
Karina and Maddie, Llanharan Primary School, Llanharan

4 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"Hello my name is Danielle and I played Genghis in your play Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies. Hello my name is Freya I played Gladys of Gisborn . We think that your play is amazing, entertaining and funny. Our favourite song is 'Men in tights' because it is exciting and enjoyable to sing and dance to. Our favourite scene is scene seven because of the farting sound effect with Nursie and Will. Our favourite characters are Grabbit and Bolt because they are funny and amusing characters to play. We strongly recommend this play to other schools. Thank you for writing this fantastic play."
Danielle and Freya, Llanharan Primary School, Llanharan

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"Hello my name is Katie and last night we did the most exciting play ever. It was called 'Robin and the Sherwood hoodies'. I played the wonderful Maid Marion. I thought that this play was suitable for not only children but also for adults because they loved the jokes especially when 'Nursie gerty gusset' ran on stage and loads of fart noises were made. My favourite song was 'He will be a hero' because I got to sing a solo part. My favourite scene is scene 6 because Grabbit used a gold plated bonker and whacked me on the head with it, I fell into Grabitt and Bolt;s arms and they carefully dragged me off . Hello my name is Malea and I took part in an AMAZING play. I played the role of Alan a dale one of the Merry men. I enjoyed it very very much because it is such a funny play , I loved all the jokes but one in particular it was "yes we stole a calendar , yeah we had six months each" . My favourite song was 'singing all over the world' because I thought the harmonies were really entertaining and our audience loved it . My favourite scene was scene two because me and the Merry men had to dance and sing to a really fun song. My favourite character was Bolt because he is so funny to watch. This character was played by my friend Dylan and he played it really well and he was really fun to watch . Honestly I loved it and I would do it over and over again if I could and for you to write this play you must be really talented."
Malea and Katie, Llanharan Primary School, Llanharan

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"Hello I am Ryan and this is my friend Aiden. Last night I played the role of Robin Hood in the play Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies and might I say what a thrilling experience it was. I am Aiden I played a guard it was really magnificent. Men in tights was our favourite song because I (Ryan) had a solo in it and it had actions to go. Our favourite scene was number 8 because Will hit the sheriff on the head with a gold-plated bonker and got squished. Also I won an Oswald because King Richard gave one for being a really good actor. All in all our favourite character was Nursie Gerty Gusset; she had really funny jokes ( and a bit of gross humour ). We think this is the best concert we have ever done and would absolutely love to do this glorious performance of a life time again."
Ryan T and Aiden, Llanharan Primary School, Llanharan

4 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"Hello our names are Tilly and Molly. Our class has enjoyed performing Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies. Our parts were Dancing Dave and Guy. We believe that it is a truly wonderful play. Our favourite song is "Men in Tights" because it's a really fun song. Our favourite scene is scene six because it shows the Merry Men are heroes not thieves. Our favourite characters are Grabbit and Bolt because they have the best jokes and they are foolish. This play has an amazingly well written script. We love this play. Our favourite joke is "I have not been so shocked since I put the electric blanket on the water bed". This is by far the best play we have ever performed."
Molly and Tilly, Llanharan Primary School, Llanharan

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"Hello my name is Keegan and I played a guard in your well known panto Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies, and my friend Ellis played the Sheriff of Nottingham. Our favourite song is Singing all over the world because we liked the three part harmony. Our favourite scene is scene eight because we had a cardboard cut out of Ellis in his costume so when he fell into the squishier Grabbit and Bolt could pull him out. Our favourite character is Nursie because of the farts! We thought that the overall panto is exciting, enjoyable and enchanting. Thank you very much for writing this amazing panto Bye."
Keegan and Ellis, Llanharan Primary School, Llanharan

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"Hello I'm Gracie and I am Ryan, this year I played King John and Ryan played Inkhorn in our school play Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies. We loved this year's play because there's a mixture of goodies and baddies. The jokes are hilarious and they made us giggle throughout the play. My favourite song has to be Men in tights because all of the Merry Men are on stage singing and dancing and the people on the sides are doing a dance routine , (that one of our teachers created.) Our favourite scene is scene 7 because Nursie was walking and the floor was creaking and then she started running. The face she pulled was so funny we could not stop laughing .The character I liked the most was Big John/ Little John because of the voices, one loud voice, and one squeaky and I liked it because it was different. I'm Ryan and my favourite character was King John, because he actually acted like a real king. We recommend this play to many other schools as our school enjoyed it loads!"
Gracie and Ryan O, Llanharan Primary School, Llanharan

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"We both enjoyed playing in robin and the Sherwood Hoodies. I [kaiden] was a guard. I really liked the first scene where we introduced the Sheriff of Nottingham. If I had to pick my favourite character it would be Nursie because she had lots of jokes making me laugh my socks off. I thought this play was amazing with all the funny scenes and silly jokes. My favourite song was Merry men because we had a dance to go with it. I really liked this play and I really recommend this play to other schools. I [Eleanor] was Nursie and I loved all my silly jokes [especially when I ran across the stage]. I must say though if I had to pick a character it would be Nursie as well. I thought this play was outstanding with all the hilarious jokes and crazy costumes. My favourite song was Singing all over the world because of the final part were everyone sang in groups and it sounded beautiful. My favourite scene was scene seven where Nursie did the trumping across the stage because it was really funny. I really recommend this amazing performance to other schools. "
Eleanor and Kaiden, Llanharan Primary School, Llanharan

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"Hello my name is Chloe this year my class did a play called Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies. My character is called Grabbit. I enjoyed this play a lot. I found it enjoyable, exciting and hysterical. I had a partner called Bolt. He was amazing at acting and had lots of jokes. My favourite song was 'Merry men' because it was our finale song and had a dance routine. My favourite scene was scene 3 because that was when all the hysterical jokes happened. My favourite character is Nursie she was funny. Hiya guys my names Leah I played Gavin Gutwrencher. I thought it was the best play our school has ever done. I enjoyed all the laughter in the play but some people were laughing when the parents were laughing. My favourite song is 'Singing all over the world' because there was a 3 part harmony and it went really well. My favourite scene was scene 7 because well firstly I went on and took Marion to the dungeon but the best part was when Nursie was running round and it made lots of fart noises. My favourite character was Robin Hood because he was excellent and he had a lot of fun on the stage and didn't forget any of his lines. Robin Hood was an interesting character. Well everyone enjoyed it and every pupil learnt their lines and enjoyed it themselves. Our finale was the favourite for everyone else because almost everyone was on the stage for the last scene and they were on the stage for the finale so thank you for the play. Chloe and I recommend it for other pupils and schools. I hope you write more plays for everyone to enjoy and have a laugh. Thank you very much."
Leah and Chloe, Llanharan Primary School, Llanharan

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"Hello my name is Cameron and I played Friar Tuck and my friend Natasha played King Richard in Robin and The Sherwood Hoodies. It was one of the best plays ever. We adored the song 'Men in Tights' because it was very catchy. My favourite scene was scene 8 because the Sheriff of Nottingham got squished. My favourite characters were Grabbit and Bolt because they were very funny. I really liked this play and I wish I could do it again! "
Cameron and Natasha, Llanharan Primary School, Llanharan

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"This year the juniors preformed Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies; it was exciting, entertaining, and funny. The jokes were hysterical. The parents laughed at most of the jokes. Caitlin was Bodkin and Cassie was Big John/Little John. Our favourite song was "Men in Tights" because you can do silly dances and you get to whisper a chorus. Our favourite characters are Big John/Little John and Bolt. We liked Little John because he has a squeaky voice and can be funny. Big John was good because he wants to be as good as Little John and Bolt because he has loads of jokes to say. Our favourite scene is scene 7 because Nursie keeps making noises when Will told her to be quiet. Craig Hawes is a spectacular pantomime writer, we hope he will make more pantomimes because our children and parents loved Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies. The script was full of jokes especially Bolts jokes "
Cassie and Caitlin, Llanharan Primary School, Llanharan

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"We put on Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies this year and it was exciting, enjoyable, and entertaining. The pupils loved playing all of the roles because of the hysterical jokes. They adored the songs especially 'Singing All Over the World'. This song even had some parents in tears. We would definitely recommend this play to other schools."
Mr Roberts, Llanharan Primary School, Llanharan

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"The best play ever should of bought it much sooner;great performance defiantly get this!"
Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies (Junior Production) by Craig Hawes, llanhary, pencoad

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"This is written in true panto style and I have seldom seen a profession panto which is more entertaining In the writing. This has practically a laugh a line and is very sophisticated and well written, considering it is a play written for children to perform. The adult audience loved it and also a 7 year old said she liked it so much she wanted to see it again, and was it on You Tube! Our play ran for an hour. We also used 1920's costumes. The songs are great and I keep singing them.... I can even remember the ones from last year's "Pirates' of the Curry Bean" - Craig Hawes, we need more please!"
Rani Chakrabarti

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"It was a great show to do; the songs and script were easy to follow and the "Dance" CD was an inspiration. It had us all on our feet dancing along. Brilliant!!"
Maureen Stringer, St Margaret's CE Primary School

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"We have just finished two showings of this play-I think it's the best we have ever done. Like a real panto-plenty of jokes, lively characters and superb costumes-with lots of tights!! The children and staff have really enjoyed it, as have the parents. "
St. John's Primary School

5 Star Rating

Robin And The Sherwood Hoodies

"A real joy to rehearse and perform - catchy songs and hysterical script made it non-stop fun for pupils and parents alike! I'm still singing the songs in the car! "
David Fotheringham, Head Teacher, Gamston Primary School

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Product Name Product Price Qty
Script (Non-editable PDF) US$14.00
Script (Editable Word Doc) US$17.00
PDF & Word Doc Scripts US$21.00
PDF Performance Piano Score (Grade 6 Standard) US$17.00
PDF Easy Play Piano Score (Grade 4 Standard) US$14.00
MP3 Backing Tracks US$14.00
MP3 Vocal Tracks US$14.00
Sing it! (PC)What's this? US$14.00
Sing it! (MAC)What's this? US$14.00
Dance it! Choreography Video DownloadWhat's this? US$14.00
Project it! (PowerPoint and JPGs)What's this? US$21.00


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Product Name Product Price Qty
Script US$20.00
Pack of 5 Scripts US$65.00
Pack of 10 Scripts US$100.00
Performance Piano Score (Grade 6 Standard) US$27.00
Easy Play Piano Score (Grade 4 Standard) US$22.00
CD of Backing Tracks US$18.00
CD of Vocal Tracks US$18.00
Sing it! CD-ROM (PC & MAC)What's this? US$21.00
Dance it! Choreography DVDWhat's this? US$21.00
Project it! CD-ROMWhat's this? US$27.00

  Performing Licence: valid for 12 months from date of issue for THIS musical only

The Musicline Performing Licence covers you to perform this musical.

It is illegal to perform ANY published musical without the appropriate licence which is only available from the publisher of that musical.

'Blanket' licences which you may have DO NOT cover the performing of published musicals.

A performing licence is required for EACH PERFORMANCE.

For more information about Licencing, please click here

Size of your School Size Price per Performance Price Number of Performances Number
200+ Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$43.00
150-199 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$35.00
100-149 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$28.00
50-99 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$21.00
0-49 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$14.00
Theatre Group (any size) US$71.00

  Copying Licence: valid for 12 months from date of issue for THIS musical only

The Musicline Copying Licence covers you to copy ALL of any of the items you buy for this show either posted or downloaded.

This Licence is only available from the publisher of the copyright material.

It is illegal to reproduce or share ANY published material without the appropriate licence.

For more information about Licencing, please click here

Size of your School Size Price of Licence Price Qty Qty
200+ Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$43.00
150-199 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$35.00
100-149 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$28.00
50-99 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$21.00
0-49 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$14.00
Theatre Group (any size) US$71.00

  Video Licence: valid for 12 months from date of issue for THIS musical only

The Musicline Video Licence allows you to record your performances and sell the DVDs without royalty payments applying. The Video Licence is given FREE OF CHARGE if you order a Performing Licence and a Copying Licence at the same time. Only fill in the box below if you wish to purchase a video licence separately.

For more information about Licencing, please click here

Size of your School Size Price of Licence Price Qty Qty
200+ Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$43.00
150-199 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$35.00
100-149 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$28.00
50-99 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$21.00
0-49 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$14.00
Theatre Group (any size) US$71.00