Musicline School Musicals
The Bethlehem Star (Nativity) Cover

The Bethlehem Star (Nativity)

by Dave Corbett

Pricing & Order Info.
Ideal Cast Size 49
Speaking Roles 31
Minimum Cast Size 34
Duration (minutes)30

Why choose this Musical?

Suits large cast with unlimited extras


Flexible Cast size to suit YOUR group numbers, from 34 actors upwards. See "Casting" tab below.

Easy to rehearse

Breaks down easily into composite parts for rehearsal purposes.

Terrific humour

Age appropriate jokes which Infants both understand and carry off.

Boys in particular love this musical

Show-stopping "Choir of Angels" song

Extensive Production Notes included in script

Beautifully constructed songs with clever repetition

CDs of Backing Tracks and Vocal Tracks available

Easy Play Piano/Vocal Score (Grade 4 Standard) available

Age Range - Key Stage 1 Production (5-7 years)
NEW! Instant Scenery with our digital backdrops
A different backdrop for EVERY scene change

Supplied in both a PowerPoint presentation and as individual JPG files.

School Play Backdrop
No more Scenery Painting!

Sing it! "Karaoke-Style" learning! Check out the video below...

TOP TIP: unmute the video to have a listen and a sing along!

*** NEW *** Hear it. Copy it. Learn it!
Leanr it! Logo

"Learn it!" is an "Audio Book" style read-through of the entire show performed by professional voice actors. It teaches each child their lines, when to perform them and most importantly, HOW to perform them. The copy and repeat method is simply the best and quickest way to learn. An essential product for SEND cast members. The "Learn it!" product is available as downloadable MP3 files or as a standard Audio CD. Have a listen to a sample of the "Learn it!" product on the "Samples" tab below.

If you'd like a more in depth explaination about "Learn it!", check out this explainer video.

"The Bethlehem Star" is an impressive Infant Nativity.

It is good for a large cast and will take an unlimited number of extras.

It breaks down easily into composite parts for rehearsal purposes.

Boys in particular love this Nativity.

In "Choir of Angels" you have a show-stopping song which will bring the house down.

There are 31 speaking roles.

The script includes extensive Production Notes + "Often forgotten" hints & tips for making your show a success.

This is the funniest Nativity we have seen with humour that Infants can both understand and carry off easily.

Scene One: An office at The Bethlehem Star news papyrus.

The Star is desperate for a scoop. The editor encourages his reporters to get out and find a story worth telling ... not just a donkey or some figs or some slippery oil thieves.

Scene Two: A scoop missed.

If only they knew! 'Babies are born all the time ... nothing special about yours'. What a bungle.

Scene Three: Keep your head down.

The Roman soldiers are BIG, STRONG, ROUGH and SCARY ... But at least one has itchy, knitted underpants.

Scene Four: A real scoop.

Although the reporter's quill is bent, there's quite a regal story here.

Scene Five: Scooperdooper.

The shepherds don't have a story ... apart from ... what's this? Wow, wow and more wow ... angels!!! Scooooop!

Scene Six: Thee best inn in town.

No, that's not a typo, it really is THEE best inn in town ... but it's full. See if you can guess what happens.

Suggested Cast List For 49 Actors

N.B. In the following list, the number shows how many spoken lines each role has. An asterisk (*) before the character's name indicates that this character ALSO has solo or featured sung lines.

Character NameNumber of Lines
Reporter 311
Reporter 110
Reporter 28
Reporter 48
Scene Announcer6
* King 14
* King 24
Shepherd 14
* King 33
Reporter 53
Stallholder 63
* Innkeeper2
Innkeeper's Wife2
Stallholder 12
Stallholder 22
Stallholder 32
Stallholder 42
Stallholder 52
Shepherd 21
Shepherd 31
Shepherd 41
Shepherd 51
Shepherd 61
Soldier 11

Non-speaking roles: Eight Soldiers (who sing on their own), one Donkey, three Camels and six Angels (who don't).

Suggested Cast List For 34 Actors

N.B. In the following list, the number shows how many spoken lines each role has. An asterisk (*) before the character's name indicates that this character ALSO has solo or featured sung lines.

Character NameNumber of Lines
Reporter 311
Reporter 110
also plays Man
Reporter 4
also covers first two of Reporter 5's lines
Reporter 2
also covers the last of Reporter 5's lines
Scene Announcer6
Shepherd 1
also covers Shepherd 4's lines
* King 14
* King 24
* King 33
Stallholder 63
Shepherd 2
also covers Shepherd 5's lines and also plays Lady
* Innkeeper2
Innkeeper's Wife2
Stallholder 12
Stallholder 22
Stallholder 32
Stallholder 42
Stallholder 52
Shepherd 3
also covers Shepherd 6's lines
Soldier 11

Non-speaking roles: Five Soldiers (who sing as a group), one Donkey, and three Angels.

Note: No camels are required for this cast size.

Resource Image

Title Artwork

Great for creating your own customised artwork for your show!
Download .png
Resource Image

Cover Artwork

Printable book cover artwork. Great for posters and programmes!
Download .jpg

5 Star Rating

The Bethlehem Star (Nativity)

"Great fun, especially for the audience who loved the media related content. From the moment I picked up the script and saw the brilliant humour (E Bray for donkeys) I knew it was going to be good. And it was."
Clive Ward, Peterborough

5 Star Rating

The Bethlehem Star (Nativity)

"Wow.....this was spectacular!"
Audience member, Leicester

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Instant Downloads allow you to pay online with a Credit/Debit Card or PayPal and instantly download your materials as PDFs and/or MP3s.

Product Name Product Price Qty
Script (Non-editable PDF) US$14.00
Script (Editable Word Doc) US$17.00
PDF & Word Doc Scripts US$21.00
PDF Piano Score (Grade 4 Standard) US$14.00
MP3 Backing Tracks US$7.00
MP3 Vocal Tracks US$7.00
MP3 Learn it!What's this? US$7.00
Project it! (PowerPoint and JPGs)What's this? US$21.00
Sing it! (PC)What's this? US$14.00
Sing it! (MAC)What's this? US$14.00


The traditional means of getting your items. Most of our works are RING BOUND books or CDs of recorded music.

U.K. schools can order posted items with a school order number.
This facility is available at the end of the ordering process.

All UK posted orders are now sent via Royal Mail's 24 hour, fully tracked service. You will receive a tracking number via email once we have despatched your goods.

Non U.K. posted items are sent express tracked airmail delivery anywhere in the world. Please allow 14 days for all international deliveries.

Product Name Product Price Qty
Script US$20.00
Pack of 5 Scripts US$65.00
Piano Score (Grade 4 Standard) US$22.00
CDs of Backing and Vocal Tracks ( 2 CDs) US$18.00
CD of Learn it!What's this? US$11.00
Project it! CD-ROMWhat's this? US$27.00
Sing it! CD-ROM (PC & MAC)What's this? US$21.00

  Performing Licence: valid for 12 months from date of issue for THIS musical only

The Musicline Performing Licence covers you to perform this musical.

It is illegal to perform ANY published musical without the appropriate licence which is only available from the publisher of that musical.

'Blanket' licences which you may have DO NOT cover the performing of published musicals.

A performing licence is required for EACH PERFORMANCE.

For more information about Licencing, please click here

Size of your School Size Price per Performance Price Number of Performances Number
200+ Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$43.00
150-199 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$35.00
100-149 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$28.00
50-99 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$21.00
0-49 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$14.00
Theatre Group (any size) US$71.00

  Copying Licence: valid for 12 months from date of issue for THIS musical only

The Musicline Copying Licence covers you to copy ALL of any of the items you buy for this show either posted or downloaded.

This Licence is only available from the publisher of the copyright material.

It is illegal to reproduce or share ANY published material without the appropriate licence.

For more information about Licencing, please click here

Size of your School Size Price of Licence Price Qty Qty
200+ Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$43.00
150-199 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$35.00
100-149 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$28.00
50-99 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$21.00
0-49 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$14.00
Theatre Group (any size) US$71.00

  Video Licence: valid for 12 months from date of issue for THIS musical only

The Musicline Video Licence allows you to record your performances and sell the DVDs without royalty payments applying. The Video Licence is given FREE OF CHARGE if you order a Performing Licence and a Copying Licence at the same time. Only fill in the box below if you wish to purchase a video licence separately.

For more information about Licencing, please click here

Size of your School Size Price of Licence Price Qty Qty
200+ Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$43.00
150-199 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$35.00
100-149 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$28.00
50-99 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$21.00
0-49 Pupils on Total School Roll (Ofsted Figures) US$14.00
Theatre Group (any size) US$71.00