Click HERE to read the Script, look at the Score and listen to the Songs
The X Factory
by Gawen Robinson
Pricing & Order Info.
Why choose this Musical?
Editable Word Doc Script available
31 speaking roles
Easily reduced to 25 speaking roles, see "Casting" tab below for full instructions.
Any number of chorus parts
CDs of Backing Tracks plus essential sound effects available
No pianist required! This CD includes ALL the Backing Tracks, Incidental Music and Special Effects in the order you need them enabling production and direction to take place without specialist musical expertise.
CD of Vocal Tracks available for learning the songs
Sing it! "Karaoke-Style" learning! Check out the video below...
TOP TIP: unmute the video to have a listen and a sing along!
Full Performance Piano/Vocal Score available (Grade 6 Standard)
Encompasses Overture, ALL Play Ons and Play Offs, Songs, Link Music, Cues and Chord Symbols. Click "Performance Score" in the "Script & Songs" tab below.
Easy Play Rehearsal Piano/Vocal Score available (Grade 3 Standard)
Click "Easy Play Score" in the "Script & Songs" tab below.
No problem props
Very easy to costume
Simple staging
Click "Script & Songs" below then click "Production Notes".
Age range: Key Stage 2 Production (7-11 years)
Especially engaging for your Upper Juniors (9-11 years) - a Perfect Year 6 leavers' play.
Duration: 60 to 80 minutes
NEW! Instant Scenery with our digital backdrops
A different backdrop for EVERY scene change
Supplied in both a PowerPoint presentation and as individual JPG files.

No more Scenery Painting!
St Dithers School is in trouble! Following an extremely poor OFSET inspection the school has been labelled 'Average' and is in grave danger of being closed down.
The governors, worried about the fate of their school and with only 6 weeks to turn things around, decide to take drastic action. They realise that improving the school in that length of time would be impossible and that it would be easier to replace the head, and most of the pupils, with 'super-talented' ones. They also decide to bring in entirely new staff made up of celebrities from the world of entertainment!
A new head teacher, Simon Trowel, is appointed with the intention of making the school into a breeding ground for young super stars who will one day be on TV reality shows and dominate show business forever! New 'super-teachers' are brought in from the world of 'show biz reality TV shows' and include: Will.I.Was, Cherri Cola, Dusty Barrel, Bruno Macaroni and Craig Rebel-Cardboard. Bant and Beck, the northern comic duo, are also appointed as the 'Superstar Announcers'.
When the staff and pupils decide to fight back, fun and frolics ensue making this an extremely entertaining show for children to perform.
Scene One
The show opens in the school hall of St Dithers where the children and staff are singing the school song, rather badly!. Following this the headmistress, Mrs Crabtree, introduces the Ofset chief inspector Ms Grimshaw to deliver the verdict of the schools recent inspection. It isn't good news; the school has been assessed as 'Average'. The school is given six weeks to turn 'Average' into 'Outstanding'. The teachers and pupils all sing a rebellious song, Average, protesting against the Ofset ruling.
Scene Two
In the school staffroom the teachers are discussing the Ofset situation and are all very worried about losing their jobs. The headmistress enters to deliver the news that the governors have decided that it is impossible to turn the school around in six weeks and therefore all the staff, and most of the children, will be replaced! The school will become a school for super stars of the future, an X Factory producing young people to end up on TV talent shows. The scene concludes with the teachers singing a reprise of Average.
Scene Three
Set in the schoolyard some of the pupils that were lucky enough to return are discussing the situation they find themselves in. They have to audition in front of a judging panel to assess their talent, or lack of it. Emma and Rachel give a rendition of their offering Rap Pack. The conclusion the pupils come to is that they are all doomed and that all they can do is try their best to impress.
Scene Four
The school hall has been re-designed slightly and behind a panel sit the new 'Super Teachers'. Simon Trowel introduces himself and the pupils immediately recognise him from the telly. He introduces the rest of the team: Will.I.Was, Cherri Cola, Dusty Barrel, Bruno Macaroni and Craig Rebel-Cardboard.
Simon tells the pupils that over the next few days they will all be working hard with the new teachers who will be looking for those pupils with that extra special talent, The X Factor!
Scene Five
At the dance auditions Bant and Beck, the comedic comperes, get things underway. The pupils are paired up to perform in front of Bruno, Craig and Dusty. Bruno performs a Tango for the pupils to copy. The pupil's attempts at this Tango are hilarious! Bruno, Craig and Dusty then assess the pupil's performances.
Scene Six
This scene sees Bant and Beck discussing their own vocal abilities leading to introducing the Vocal Auditions.
Scene Seven
At the dance auditions Bant and Beck introduce Jenny. She is the first, very nervous pupil, to audition. Jenny is actually really keen to be a singer. She sings Blue Skies to which both Cherri and Simon applaud her effort. They tell her she has made it into the Showcase.
Bant and Beck then introduce Emma, Rachel and Joe to perform a Rap.
The judges think it is awful and send them off.
There are no more pupils to audition, as the rest are too terrified to perform!
Bant and Beck suggest rehearsing a big chorus number all about being brave and living for the moment - Be Alive.
Scene Eight
Set in the schoolyard some of the pupils decide to fight back. They need a cunning plan. They realise that although they may not be good at performing arts they do have considerable skills in other areas.
They then spot some poor, downtrodden looking people. It's their old teachers! They all decide to work together on the 'cunning plan' to get their school back. It will be a new start - a Brand New Day.
Scene Nine
In the school hall Wilf, the caretaker and Gladys the cleaner are clearing up following the auditions. They are discussing the good old days and how they used to dance. The Ofsted 'Health and Safety' inspector enters. He is of the opinion that there are many failings in regard to theatrical performances. Wilf and Gladys think his rules regarding a 'fire hazard' are ridiculous. Also the mention of an audience makes the inspector very nervous. He will have to report his findings.
Scene Ten
Later that night the six rebel students creep in. They have decided to sabotage the sound and lighting systems. Also Emma sets to work on the costumes with a pair of scissors.
They all rush off to hide as Simon and the other judges enter. Simon reveals that Ofset have decided to bring the showcase inspection forward to the next day. This causes a bit of panic. However Simon thinks this might play into their hands. After all they are not really teachers and are just looking for talent to increase their own wealth and fame.
All this is overheard by the six pupils who now realise that they need help if they are going to be able to keep their school open.
Scene Eleven
The Showcase. The audience are seated and waiting for the show to begin.
The judges discover that they have been sabotaged, but they have no choice but to continue. During Showcase Messed Up Track. the performers gallantly try to sing and dance but it is a disaster! The Ofset inspector gets up to leave but the rebels enter and persuade the inspector to stay. The headmistress sticks up for her school, her staff, and her pupils and says that they are not average, they are all amazing! The inspector is willing to listen and all the pupils perform Brand New Day.
The performance is amazing and the inspector is impressed enough to agree to keep the school open! Simon and the judges are fired and all the old teachers and pupils are re-instated. A HAPPY ENDING! Well at least till the next Ofset inspection!
Suggested Cast List for 31 Actors
N.B. In the following list, the number shows how many spoken lines each role has. An asterisk (*) before the character's name indicates that this character ALSO has solo or featured sung lines.
Character Name | Number of Lines |
*Simon Trowel | 82 |
Izzy | 66 |
Mrs Crabtree | 59 |
Davey | 53 |
Bant | 47 |
Beck | 45 |
Ms Grimshaw | 42 |
Fraser | 38 |
Safety Inspector | 35 |
*Rachel | 34 |
*Joe | 34 |
*Craig Rebel-Cardboard | 34 |
*Emma | 33 |
Wilf Sprocket | 32 |
Mr Potter | 29 |
Gladys Overall | 25 |
*Will.I.Was | 23 |
*Dusty Barrel | 20 |
*Bruno Macaroni | 20 |
Mr Quaver | 19 |
*Cherri Cola | 17 |
Mr Sprout | 15 |
Madam Onions | 14 |
Miss Findley | 14 |
Sophie Le Brie | 13 |
*Jenny Lane | 12 |
Mrs Fudge | 11 |
Miss Blunt | 7 |
Chadwick Roquefort | 5 |
Daphne Gorgonzola | 5 |
Announcer | 3 |
Non speaking roles: Students, Teachers and 'Super-Students' - as many as you wish! The addition of a Chorus sitting offstage is also recommended, if available.
Suggested Cast List for 25 Actors
N.B. In the following list, the number shows how many spoken lines each role has. An asterisk (*) before the character's name indicates that this character ALSO has solo or featured sung lines.
Character Name | Number of Lines |
*Simon Trowel | 82 |
Izzy | 66 |
Mrs Crabtree | 59 |
Davey | 53 |
Bant | 47 |
Beck | 45 |
Ms Grimshaw | 42 |
Mr Sprout also plays Safety Inspector | 40 |
Miss Findley also plays Gladys Overall1 | 39 |
Fraser | 38 |
Chadwick Roquefort also plays Wilf Sprocket2 | 37 |
*Rachel | 34 |
*Joe | 34 |
*Craig Rebel-Cardboard | 34 |
*Emma | 33 |
Mr Potter | 29 |
*Jenny Lane also plays Sophie Le Brie3 | 25 |
*Will.I.Was | 23 |
Miss Blunt also plays Madam Onions4 | 21 |
*Dusty Barrel | 20 |
*Bruno Macaroni | 20 |
Mr Quaver | 19 |
*Cherri Cola | 17 |
Mrs Fudge | 11 |
Daphne Gorgonzola also plays Announcer | 8 |
1This involves a quick change from Scene Eight to Scene Nine. Also, Miss Findley's line in Scene Eleven will need to be reallocated to another teacher character.
2This involves a quick change in Scene Eleven.
3The actor will need to read both parts as 'Jenny' in Scene Eleven.
4This will involve a very quick change in Scene Eleven.
The X Factory
"We did this play with a group of 60 year 6 children. We followed the script and added a few parts, which was easy to do with this script. The children loved taking part and the adults loved the jokes! Thank you. "Ruth Cooper, Swanland Primary School, Swanland
The X Factory
"Thank you Gawen for writing such an amazing show. The songs were absolutely brilliant and our year 6s learnt them really quickly and thoroughly enjoyed singing them. The jokes were very funny and appreciated by the adult audience. It was a show that was easy to costume and we used very minimal props. We had amazing comments from all the parents who said it was the best they had seen. I would highly recommend this show to any upper ks2 class and If I could do it again next year, I would but unfortunately that’s not possible so I’m already looking through the music line catalogue for the next one for 2025. Thank you musicline, you came up trumps again with this one."Sue Geggus, Harlowbury primary school, Essex
The X Factory
"Students from grade 3 to grade 5 took part in this production. 25 students had main roles. Seven classes of 20 students participated in the songs and choreographies. What a fantastic journey and what a great final performance we've had. The songs were absolutely catchy, but the humor seemed better targeted for upper primary and secondary school students. Our Grade 1 and 2 audience still enjoyed the show because of the songs, though. A sound investment of time and money for everyone!!!"Eric Lalande, Kazakhstan International School, Almaty
The X Factory
"Students from grade 3 to grade 5 took part in this production. 25 students had main roles. Seven classes of 20 students participated in the songs and choreographies. What a fantastic journey and what a great final performance we've had. The songs were absolutely catchy, but the humor seemed better targeted for upper primary and secondary school students. Our Grade 1 and 2 audience still enjoyed the show because of the songs, though. A sound investment of time and money for everyone!!!"Eric Lalande, Kazakhstan International School, Almaty
The X Factory
"I did this show last year and it was soo much fun! It was a great way to end Yr 6, it was amazing!!!"Scarlet , Grove Primary School, Wolverhampton
The X Factory
"It was an amazing play to do for a year 6 leavers play. "Gracie Beckett, The revel school, Monks Kirby
The X Factory
"I played the role of Emma in this musical and I do have to say that it was amazing! I loved the rap pack and all the other songs Miss Blunts funny lines and Mrs Fudge's bad hearing OML I want to do the musical all over again! "Taylor Williams, Rochdale South State School, Logan
The X Factory
"Pupils, parents and staff raved about this fantastic show. The hilariously funny jokes, catchy songs and excellent script allows for a fantastic performance to be given. Kids learned their lines quickly and enjoyed learning the song lyrics. If you're looking for a school show that's current but a bit different from the standard, this is the one to go for. Thank you to the writers and team that brought the X Factory to life for us all to enjoy. "Martin Craig, St John's Primary , Port Glasgow